Saturday, October 31, 2009

Baboons do not fall in love

Well maybe they do but how can you tell?

I am going to try once again to start a regular blog. After failing miserably several times I should really give up but I read all these interesting, fascinating tales of daily life that I am compelled to add ennui to the mix for balance.
Katy went to the vet for a check up on her lumps which seem to be fatty cysts. Like me she is getting fatter in her older years and these weird lumps pop up. In interesting news I found an ICD-9 code for "fatness,' while looking up fistula. I wonder how many code the bills with fatness. The term seems out of place- is it a state of being? Patient A has simply gained weight or is morbidly obese while patient B has "fatness." Hmmmm.... things to ponder.
Supposed to go to Evie's tonite for dinner, candy and some delicious wine I picked up in Normandy. I am sure one glass will have me slurring and drooling. Last time I went to Normandy, I bought my boss back a bottle of Calvados after asking a man in a wine store about a good wine in my atrocious French and his stunted English. I am completely ignorant about liquor and wine and it turned out it was Apple Brandy which nearly seared the tissue off of my bosses throat. Unfortunately, I have a slight fever and was vomiting yesterday so I am not sure I should be eating tonnes of chocolate and exensive French Wine.
In positive news, my foster beagle seems to be recovering from her false pregnancy and doesn't seem to regard me as one of her litter anymore. She hasn't attacked poor Katy in days and her snapping and snarling is down to a minimum. She is still nesting and licking me, and the lactating is still continuing. I wonder if someone needs a wet nurse doggie? I could loan her out. The testosterone meds do not seem to be working. I keep waiting for a voice change and weird hair in odd places. Except that she is a dog that has hair everywhere and an already deep bellowing howl. Let's just hope and pray that she doesn't grow a penis.

Went yarn shopping and got some Rowan Cocoon which is lovely, soft and shiny. It is a merino/mohair blend. Normally I hate mohair but this is just so soft and the colors are spectacular. I was looking for some Katia 100% merino that I purchased in Brugge. I just made a cowl for a friend and it is the softest, non-splitty yarn that knits up fast and beautiful. I imagine I will have to go overseas to get anymore:( I also bought some Zarina ultrafine Merino in a deep grey and red which I plan to make a double-sided cowl with. Very soft and yummy.

Going to go listen to my newly burned Neko Case and relax. Rainy blah day and tired of errands, wash, cleaning, etc.


In honor of this rainy day Halloween I am posting my favorite photo of my grandmother Molly, her sister Ruthie, and neighbor hood friends Halloween around 1910 in Rochester, NY.